My hero! Farmers Brave Barbed Wire to Free Two Deer Entangled by Antlers, Witnessing Their Incredible Struggles and Relief
Most people would probably keep a comfortable distance from a large buck and if there were two in the area, they might even give them more space.
That isn’t the case, however, for some farmers who found two deer stuck together by their antlers in some barbed wire. They knew they had to do something.
They weren’t sure how long they had been stuck in the barbed wire fence but they knew that they were panicking.
It seems as if they may have been fighting and got stuck in the fence at the same time.
They knew the deer needed to be set free quickly so they formulated a plan. They didn’t go at it haphazardly. In fact, one of the men even can be heard saying “you gotta be careful”
Awatere Valley, New Zealand is where these two farmers call home and as they approached the deer, the animals seemed to calm down. They waited until the proper moment arrived while they were on the ground and took a closer look.
The men had large pliers and they tried to clip as much of the barbed wire as possible. One of them held the deer by the antlers to keep them from making matters worse.